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European STI Councils | Meeting on 10th November 2020

15 Councils from all over Europe met and discussed the future of the European Research Area

On 10th November 2020, the Chairs and Executives from several European Councils for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, virtually met to discuss the future of the European Research Area. The German Council of Science and Humanities – Wissenschaftsrat – welcomed 15 STI Councils.

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer | Treffen der Vorsitzenden und Generalsekretäre der Europäischen Wissenschafts- und Technologieräte, 10. November 2020 (virtuell) Screenshot from the Meeting of the Chairs and Secretaries of the National Advisory Councils for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in Europe, 10th November 2020 (virtually)

Zur Pressemitteilung "Plädoyer für einen starken und unabhängigen Forschungs- und Innovationsstandort Europa" (11. November 2020)

To the press release "A call for a strong and independent research and innovation location Europe" (11 November 2020)

The joint declaration: European Councils for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy – Annual Meeting 2020 | Conclusions (11 November 2020)