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Research policy

The organisation and funding of research at universities and non-university research institutions forms the framework in this field for systemic studies that address both the overall architecture of the German research system and individual sectors and their relationship to each other. Recurring topics deal with the development of individual science organisations, subjects or research fields as well as the institutional design and evaluation of core performance areas such as research, transfer and scientific infrastructure.

Head: Dr Rainer Lange

The Research Committee is assigned to the department:

Chair: Professor Dr Heike Solga
Head office supervision: Dr Annette Barkhaus

The committee monitors the development of the organisation and funding or research and, in this context, also explores new topics for the German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat, WR). Similarly to the Tertiary Education Committee, which is set up in the same way, it deals with permanently relevant topics and also issues policy papers at short notice to state its position on current topics. The chairperson of the Scientific Commission of the WR holds the chair by virtue of his or her office. 

The Research Department also oversees the Research Infrastructures project area. These are extensive instruments, resources or service facilities for research in all scientific fields. From 2011 to 2013, a procedure for the science-led assessment of extensive research infrastructure projects for a national roadmap was developed on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and successfully tested in a pilot procedure. In 2015, the WR was asked by the BMBF to establish this science-led assessment procedure. The committee is currently dormant.