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 Structures and funding

Universities are active in various scientific performance areas (teaching, research, transfer, infrastructures). Yet, the framework conditions under which they operate have changed considerably in recent decades. The German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) provides guidance in this process and gives recommendations regarding the financing of the higher education system, internal structures within higher education institutions as well as the structure of the overall system.

In doing so, the WR considers a meaningful differentiation within and between the various types of higher education institutions as well as their reliable basic funding to be an important prerequisite for an effective higher education system. Accompanying the negotiations of the Higher Education Pact (Hochschulpakt) beyond 2020, the WR has presented an analysis of possible indicators regarding the future allocation of funds. The WR considers internal university governance to be a task which concerns all university members. Therefore, the WR has also presented an analytical tool for further developing governance structures and processes.

Detailed information can be found here (in German only):

Probleme und Perspektiven des Hochschulbaus 2030 | Positionspapier (Drs. 9470-22), Januar 2022 (PDF, 1MB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Empfehlungen zur Hochschulgovernance (Drs. 7328-18), Oktober 2018 (PDF, 844KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Hochschulbildung im Anschluss an den Hochschulpakt 2020 | Positionspapier (Drs. 7013-18), April 2018 (PDF, 628KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Empfehlungen zur Reform des Hochschulzugangs (Drs. 5920-04), Januar 2004 (PDF, 940KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

and here:

Recommendations on the Differentiation of Higher Education Institutions (Drs. 10387-10_engl), November 2010 (PDF, 833KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)