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DFG and WR welcome decisions by the federal and state governments on the Excellence Strategy (Press release 4 November 2022)

"A powerful signal for cutting-edge research"

The DFG and the WR have welcomed the decisions taken by the Joint Science Conference on the further development of the Excellence Strategy. The increase in funding from 2026 onwards and the possibility of funding up to 70 Clusters of Excellence and four additional Universities or University Consortia of Excellence send out a powerful signal in favour of strengthening top-level research, said DFG President Katja Becker and WR Chair Dorothea Wagner. The second round of the competition starts on 15 December with the call for proposals for Clusters of Excellence.

Licence: CC BY-SA

Publication form: Press Releases

Date: 2022

Pages: 1

Language: English

Subjects: Excellence Strategy

Further Information