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The German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) has mandated a committee to independently carry out a cross-disciplinary, science-driven assessment of comprehensive research infrastructures (RI) and to further develop the procedure. The committee is active in the current procedure (2024 ff.) to prioritise large research infrastructures, following the roadmap process from 2015 to 2017.

The aim of the science-driven assessment is to make a differentiated assessment of projects on the basis of uniform criteria. The science-driven assessment is carried out in a multi-stage process: First, individual working groups assess projects that belong to similar research fields. The committee then evaluates all projects on this basis.

The assessment dimensions and criteria are as follows:

RI scientific potential (significance of the research questions to be addressed, added value of the RI for an understanding of these questions, diversity and range of the addressed research areas, potential for inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation, adaptability to newly emerging questions)

RI scientific utilisation (anticipated demand, institutional and disciplinary diversity as well as internationality of users, access regulations, research data management, subsequent and secondary data utilisation)

RI relevance for Germany as a location of science and research (relevance for research in Germany, Europe and the world, increase of Germany’s scientific visibility and competitiveness in science and research, contribution to Germany’s appeal as a partner in scientific cooperation, contribution to the attractiveness of academic work in Germany or Europe)

Feasibility of RI from a scientific perspective (feasibility of the scientific and technical solutions, planning of scientific milestones, consequences of scientific and technical risks for the project)

The results of the current procedure will be presented to the WR in an overarching evaluation report.