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Research infrastructures (RI)

Research infrastructures have become increasingly important in the research and higher education system since the early 2000s.

RI are defined as large and long-term facilities (such as instruments, laboratories and major scientific equipment) as well as research-based services and resources (such as data infrastructures, collections and archives) from all scientific areas.

In 2001, the German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) was first asked by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to conduct a comparative assessment of large facilities for basic research in the natural sciences. In 2011 and 2015, the WR initiated a scientific assessment of large research infrastructures at the request of the BMBF; a committee was set up and mandated to carry out the assessment independently. In spring 2024, the BMBF once again asked the WR to carry out a science-driven assessment procedure in preparation for a prioritisation process for large research infrastructures.

Research infrastructure projects undergo three parallel assessment strands on the basis of draft proposals: a science-driven assessment, an assessment of the potential for innovation and transfer and a costs and risks assessment. The WR carries out the science-driven assessment. The results of the three assessment strands are combined by the BMBF into an overall assessment and the most promising RI projects are announced in the form of a shortlist.

Further information on the procedure can be found under "Organisation" and on the BMBF website at the following link.

Further documents of the research infrastructure procedures.