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Future perspectives for agricultural, food and nutritional sciences | Position paper (Drs. 1189-23_en), April 2023

Despite steadily increasing productivity, agriculture and food systems are not future-proof in their current orientation and exhibit dysfunctionalities. Large parts of the world's population are under-, mal- or overnourished. At the same time, the widespread production methods contribute significantly to climate change and species loss. The German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat / WR) sees the German agricultural, food and nutritional sciences as having a responsibility to play an active role in the necessary transformation processes. This requires a broad reorientation in the scientific fields, aiming at a comprehensive implementation of systemic approaches and a transformative perspective.

DOI: 10.57674/a4rt-ke57

Licence: CC BY-SA

Publication form: Recommendations, Position Papers

Date: 2023

Pages: 65

Language: English

Subjects: Science and Society

Reference for citation:
German Science and Humanities Council | Wissenschaftsrat (2023): Future perspectives for agricultural, food and nutritional sciences | Position paper; Cologne. https://doi.org/10.57674/a4rt-ke57