Freedom an Autonomy of Science and Research in Israel (19 July 2023)
In a joint statement, six German science organisations, have expressed their concern for academic freedom in Israel if the proposed judicial reforms proceed
Scientific collaboration with Israel, a leading nation in research and innovation, is essential to us. In the light of decades of inspiring intellectual exchange and the special relationship between research organizations in our countries, we feel compelled to take a stand on recent developments that can negatively affect international cooperation. In particular, we share concerns of our colleagues and friends in Israel that the current judicial reform plans endanger academic freedom and may greatly restrict our joint scientific and innovative potential. We firmly believe that freedom of research and autonomy of academic institutions are essential for the continued prosperity of societies in Israel, Germany and worldwide.
The statement is jointly signed by the Max Planck Society, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Helmholtz Association, the German Science and Humanities Council. The FU Berlin joined the statement after its original publication.
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Press Releases
Date: 2023
International Affairs